Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cele: Goodbye

I'm retiring this account, along with all of the blogs on it. It's high time I moved on for good. I'll be leaving everything up, but I won't be making any more updates--here, at least. If anyone is still around and wants to keep up with me, feel free to follow me on my simblr or my new blog. Thanks.

* * *

Odd, I don't know what you're going to do, but you have free reign over this place now. Do with that what you will.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Odd: Damn, It's Been A While....

Now I really don't know if anyone still follows this blog but.... idk I'm thinking about starting up another simblr. I'll probably post things there, idk honestly. Enjoy, I guess? lmao

Monday, March 24, 2014

Cele: if anyone from the TS3 website still follows this blog

Please know that I no longer have access to my account. If you want to know how things are going, or if I'm planning any new stories, please head over to my simblr! I'm really upset about this, but there's virtually nothing I can do. :<

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cele: A New Beginning

LoTH is over.

I'm tired of kicking a dead horse. I love it; it's definitely one of my favorite stories to plan and think about, but it's not one of my favorite stories to write and play. Aside from the fact that it takes forever for my game to load up on my picture-taking settings, I'm not even really playing it. I'm just taking pictures and writing. It's just not fun anymore. If anything, it's a chore.

You know what wasn't?


Today marks its two year anniversary, and I thought that now would be a better time than ever to finally try, once again, to play the family I knew and loved. Will there be an official story for it? Yes. Will I be following the same plot? No. AWS had some pretty ridiculous elements that I have no intention of pursuing again. For the most part, though, the stories will be similar.

I'm looking forward to this. AWS was fun, and people enjoyed it. I updated it regularly and had fun doing so. I hope old readers find it and new readers as well.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Cele: I Really Miss AWS

I would love to rewrite it. If I trusted myself more, I think I would take the project up in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I don't believe in myself that strongly yet. I like to think though that maybe one day it will be something I do.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cele: u vu

I really want to get back into the Simming community. I miss you guys. <:

LF> Stories to read

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cele: NaNoWriMo!

Graveyard posts ooooh so spoopy, too bad Halloween's over. Now that it's November and Nano has rolled around, I think I'm actually going to try to do it this year. I'll be writing on LoTH for the challenge. I probably won't get much accomplished, or finish the challenge for that matter, but who knows? We'll see how things work out in the end. <: